+61.402.222217 | Gday@AustralianCricketTours.com

Cricket Tour Hosts

Caribbean Bar Filled With Spirits & Mixers | St Vincent & The Grenadines | West Indies | Australian Cricket Tours

Cricket Tour Hosts

We're often asked, 'who is your tour host', i.e. which cricketer do we have on tour?

We gladly reply, "No One!"

We won't guess how many dollars a 'tour host' adds to your tour cost, but they're not there for free.

They get paid to enjoy a free cricket tour, and there is absolutely no need for you to pay for that.

For some, sharing breakfast with a retired cricketer is what makes their tour special.


We are there for the cricket, and not the notoriety of who we eat boiled eggs with.

Our goal is to help people follow Australian cricket by providing the most affordable Australian Cricket Tour possible, helped by not funding a former cricketer's bar bill.

We hope to welcome you on tour soon!

Australian Cricket Tours: