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ANZAC Day Commemoration March April 24, 1994 | Port of Spain | Trinidad And Tobago | West Indies | Australian Cricket Tours


First Published: Feb 14, 2001
Edited For SEO: April 19, 2024

During the Australian Cricket Tour to the West Indies an ANZAC Day march was organised on April 24 1995 by Dave Sheehan in Port of Spain, the captial city of Trinidad And Tobago.


(For those that toured in 1995, you may recall a giant banner adorning the stands that read ‘Dave & Duff Are Here’. Dave Sheehan was half of that duo!)

At 2pm on Queen’s Park Savannah (Port of Spain's premier park and event open space), a large clan of Aussies gathered for an East Coast vs West Coast cricket match to build the camaraderie.

At 3.55pm stumps were drawn, with the 'friendly' result not recorded.

In the spirit of ANZAC, at 4pm, to coincide with the dawn service at 6am on the east coast of Australia, we stood for one-minute to remember our fallen.

ANZAC Day Commemoration 1995 And Two-Up Being Played At The Pelican Pub | Port of Spain | Trinidad And Tobago | West Indies | Australian Cricket Tours

With flags raised, we marched across the Savannah to the famed Pelican Pub (sadly, no more!) to both commemorate and celebrate our lost ANZACS by raising many a glass, and playing two-up; a cricket bat aptly used to flip the coins.


More than 50 of us rallied for our diggers until midnight.


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