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Australia Wins Frank Worrell Trophy 1995

Scoreboard At Sabina Park Jamaica Confirming Australia Wins Frank Worrell Trophy For The First Time In 20 Years | Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 1995 | Kingston | Jamaica | West Indies | Australian Cricket Tours

Australia Wins Frank Worrell Trophy 1995

‘A picture tells a thousand words’.

Around the world, once a cricket game has been decided, scoreboard attendants seemingly just go home, leaving the results of the previous game in trust until the next toss has been won.

After the 4th Test of the Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 1995, although the West Indies lost Frank Worrell Trophy, the scoreboard attendants could have quickly removed that reminder.

The scoreboard declaring Australia had beaten the West Indies for the first time in 20 years is a one we have waited too long to see, which thankfully the scoreboard operators left for many to photograph for posterity.


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