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Snooker In Multan

Pakistani Boys Playing Snooker In The Street | Multan | Pakistan | Australian Cricket Tours

Snooker In Multan

When researching for our Australian Cricket Tours, visiting each city that we may play, without the pressure (and pleasure) of hosting hundreds of people, there is more time and 'mind space' to 'take it all in', especially the 'unique'.

Driving the 10km to Multan International Cricket Stadium, when preparing our Australian Cricket Tour To Pakistan, I caught these lads chalking their cues in passing.

Chalking is strictly metaphoric.

Stopping the taxi, I walked back to say "G'day" and capture this image that remains a favourite of my vast cricket travels.

You see people everywhere playing cricket in Pakistan, but never snooker; on the street no less.

The lads didn't speak English except for 'which country' and, in my response to 'Australia', repeating 'Shane Warne' and 'Ricky Ponting' a few times.

Their limited English suggests their worlds don't stretch much further than sharing a cue to play snooker on a table set on bricks on the highway, when not watching cricket.

Good on 'em!