Budget For The West Indies 2025

Budget For The West Indies 2025
Heads up, silky rum aside, the West Indies is not cheap.
Hotels, car hire, inter-island travel, excursions, etc... are all priced in US$, powered by the mass North American tourism market and isolation of the islands; almost everything is imported!
That's OK if the US$ crashes and the AUD$ returns to parity, such as 2012!
Based on US$ value, and rates given for our hotels, we suggest you save per person:
- Twin | Double: A$5000+
- Single Room: A$7000+
... for each week you're in the islands.
Please read why we suggest this very 'top-end' budget, based on you enjoying 2+ weeks with us.
At the time of writing (Feb 14, 2024), these prices include inter-island flights, 4-star hotels, transfers, event parties, apparel, excursions, and premium seat match tickets at A$1300 per test.
- Match Tickets Package will be A$2000+
If you fly in for one test, you save A$500+ as you won't have inter-island travel. We don't get you off the island at the tour end either so that's another A$500+ saved.
Hotel prices vary markedly between platinum west coasts, branded resorts, small hotels, breakfast only, or all-inclusive.
Many variables effect the tour price, none more than US$ currency fluctuation.
Over the years we've had pleasures and pains of US$ conversions:
- 2003: US$1 = A$1.65c
- 2008: US$1 = A$1.04c
- 2012: US$1 = A$0.90c
- 2015: US$1 = A$1.30c
- 22/02/25: US$1 = A$1.57c
When a beer is US$5, a hotel is US$250 per night, and match tickets US$500, it's easy to see why we loved West Indies 2012.
- Research rates on XE.com
Until the US$ crashes our Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025 will not be our most affordable, we know that, and without you paying for a 'tour host'.
Group rates for hotels & travel may make it more affordable to join us than do it yourself, without the hassle.
We appreciate not everyone can travel on such budgets but you can still enjoy West Indies 2025 for less with our convenient Match Ticket Package.
Whichever your preferred tour format you need to save for not only your time in the islands, but getting there too.
**No Travel to/from West Indies Is Included**