FAQ's | Australian Cricket Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025

Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
Test Tours: 8 Nights Per Island
T20 Tours: 5 or 7 Nights Per Island
Where: Barbados | Grenada | Jamaica | Antigua | St Kitts
Matches: 3 Tests | 5 T20's
Twin PP Per Test: From A$5000
Single PP Per Test: From A$7000
Book: Book NOW
Do not plan to arrive 'the night before'. Or even the day before. One missed flight connection and you miss the start of the series you've waited 10 years to see! Arrive, Relax, and Refresh! Your Test Tour includes 3 nights BEFORE each Test.
On This Page:
- West Indies 2025 Tour Intro
- 30 Years Anniversary Tour 2025
- West Indies Cricket Tour 2025
- West Indies 2025 Inclusions
- Budget For West Indies 2025
- How To Reach West Indies 2025
- Where Will Cricket Be Played
- Island Hopping West Indies
- How Long Is West Indies 2025
- Only Doing One Test Match
- My Partner Won't Do Cricket
- West Indies 2025 Match Tickets
- Match Tickets Package
- Party Stands West Indies 2025
- Match Day Transfers
- Airport And Hotel Transfers
- Hotels In The West Indies 2025
- Day Trips In West Indies 2025
- Booking The West Indies 2025
West Indies 2025 Tour Intro
Since 'forever', an Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies has been a preferred tour for many. We get more enquiries about touring the West Indies than any other nation, and rightly so.
Almost anything goes in the West Indies; at least they did during life-changing Australian Cricket Tours to the West Indies 1995, 1999, and 2003.
Those 3 tours are what brings many to say, 'I want to tour the West Indies', but we don't pretend that touring the islands is little like it was after the ICC ruined cricket in the West Indies with their Cricket World Cup 2007.
Unnecessary large and characterless venues sucked the passion, heart, and purpose out of the game, and West Indies cricket has not been the same.
What we didn't lose were the locals that make touring the West Indies as special as winning the Frank Worrell Trophy!
West Indians may not embrace the game as years' before, but they're still there, rum-punching through their days and nights, and you should be too as this will be our ONLY West Indies Test Cricket Tour for maybe 10 more years!

30 Years Anniversary Tour
June 2025 will be 10 years since our last Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies and 30 years since our first in 1995 on what was to be a 'one-off' adventure before continuing 'life at home'.
Thankfully, it wasn't to be.
West Indies 2025 will be our 11th tour of the islands and anticipation is huge. We have more than 950 on our 'priority list', that includes others that toured in 1995, family, friends, and even past players who have envied our cricket touring through the years.
If you haven't, Book Now and help us celebrate 30 years of watching Australian Cricket, where it all began!

West Indies 2025 Cricket Tour Schedule
- St Maarten | June 16 - 21 | 5nts
- 1st Test Barbados | June 25-29
- 2nd Test Grenada | July 3-7
3rd Test Jamaica | July 12-16
- 2 T20's | Jamaica (Antigua) | 5nts*
- 3 T20's | St Kitts | 7nts
Waiting 10 years for Australia to return the West Indies means this is a tour you should plan to do in its entirety; make up for lost time, let's say.
We'll be there from first to last ball. 3 Tests, 5 T20's, and St Maarten to start.
We'll have 8 nights on each island per Test Match, including 3 nights BEFORE each test. You will check-out of the hotel the day AFTER each test match, except if travelling with us to Jamaica after an extra night in Grenada.
Unlike most nations where one white ball game is played per city, West Indies play mutliple white-ball games per island.
Though not huge white-ball fans, having 5 nights in Antigua* and then 7 nights in St Kitts drowned in West Indian exuberance is worth it.
We include inter-island travel, transfers on arrival and departure, hotels, match tickets, dinner parties, cool fashions, and more to help make your tour all the more hassle-free.
*We are not attending the T20's in Jamaica, instead travelling to Antigua
Please know that every moment is yours to do as you please. We don't hold your hand. We will point you in directions you may like to go, and that's it.

West Indies 2025 Tour Inclusions
We know a lot of money is needed for your Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025 so please make sure you know what you're getting.
Test Match Hotel Tours:
- 8 Nights Per Test 4+ Star Hotel
- Breakfast Daily
- Return Airport-Hotel Transfers
- Inter-Island Travel*
- Match Tickets To All 5 Days
- Match Day Transfers If Req.
- Pre-Test Match Party
- Post-Test Match Party
- Very Cool Apparel^
- Optional Sightseeing
- Nightly Drinks Destination
- Our 30 Years Tour Experience
*Inter-Island Travel is included if joining us on 2+ consecutive islands. If you are only doing one test, no travel is included.
St Maarten Pre-Test Tour:
- 5 Nights Sonesta Maho Beach Resort
- All-Inclusive
- Return Airport Transfers
- Flight to Barbados June 21
- Extra Night In Barbados B&B
Test Match Tickets Package:
- Match Tickets For Each Test Booked
- Pre-Test Match Party
- Post-Test Match Party
- Super-Cool Apparel^
- 5 Nights Hawksbill Resort
- All-Inclusive
- Travel From Jamaica
- Return Airport/Hotel Transfers
- 7 Nights Royal St Kitts Hotel
- Breakfast Daily
- Travel From Antigua
- Return Airport/Hotel Transfers
- Welcome Party July 24
- Match Tickets To Three T20's
- Return Match Transfers
- Two Day Trips
- Farewell Tour Party July 27
T20 Match Tickets Jamaica:
- Match Tickets ONLY
- We are not attending Jamaica T20's
T20 Match Tickets St Kitts:
- Match Tickets To Three T20's
- Welcome Party July 24
- Farewell Party July 27
Not Included:
- Flights to/from The West Indies
- Travel Insurance
- Lentils
- Wallpaper
- Anything Else Not Listed Above
- No matter which tours you book, you will receive only ONE set of apparel

Budget For West Indies 2025

How To Reach The West Indies 2025
Do not plan to arrive 'the night before'. Not even the day before. One missed flight connection and you miss the start of the series you've waited 10 years to see! Arrive, Relax, and Refresh! Your Test Tour includes 3 nights BEFORE each Test Match.
Until Qantas launches Melbourne - Barbados, reaching the West Indies in one hit from Australia can't be done. You must overnight in the US or Canada and fly the next day.
Our preferred option is to overnight in Miami and then fly into St Maarten (SXM) on June 16 where we start our Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025.
There are dozens of daily direct flights from US and Canadian hubs to most Caribbean nations, with American Airlines out of Miami the most prolific.
From the UK, British Airways fly into Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia, Grenada, St Kitts, Jamaica, Guyana, and Aruba.
From Europe fly KLM and Air France into our beloved St Maarten.
Depending on when you are joining us, book your flights into the Caribbean to fly into:
- Pre-Test | St Maarten June 16
- 1st Test | Barbados June 22
- 2nd Test | Grenada June 30
- 3rd Test | Kingston July 9
- T20's: | Antigua July 17
- T20's: | St Kitts July 22
Depending on when you are leaving us, book your flights out of the Caribbean to leave:
- After the 1st Test | Barbados June 30
- After 2nd Test | Grenada July 8
- After the 3rd Test | Kingston July 17
- After the T20's | Antigua July 22
- After the T20's | St Kitts July 29

West Indies 2025 Cricket Schedule
Where Will The West Indies 2025 Cricket Be Played
- 1st Test Barbados | June 25-29
- 2nd Test Grenada | July 3-7
- 3rd Test Jamaica | July 12-16
- T20's Jamaica | July 20 & 22
- T20's St Kitts | July 25, 26, & 28

Island Hopping The West Indies 2025
Until SOLD OUT convenient inter-island travel is included if join us on 2+ islands consecutively. We'll get you from one island to the next island and so forth, and to/from the hotel each time.
These flights are included in multi-island tours:
- Barbados to Grenada June 30
- Grenada to Kingston July 9
- Kingston to Antigua July 17
- Antigua to St Kitts July 22
Once our limited seats are SOLD OUT you are responsible for getting yourself between islands as required and pricing will be adjusted accordingly.
DO NOT ASK for flight details. These will be shared once we are SOLD OUT and well-before you travel.
If you're only doing one test, or leaving after one test and returning for later matches, or our Match Tickets Package, then no travel is included, but you can book seats on our flights.

How Long Is The West Indies 2025 Tour
- St Maarten | 5 Nights
- Barbados | 9* or 8 Nights
- Grenada | 8 or 9* Nights
- Jamaica | 8 Nights
- Antigua | 5 Nights
- St Kitts | 7 Nights
- Total | 37 Nights
*If joining us in St Maarten you have an extra night (June 21) in Barbados to start
*If combining Grenada & Jamaica, you have an extra night (July 8) in Grenada
- YES, you can do One Test

Only Doing One Test Match
If you can only do one test match, like many do, that's all good!
This could be our last Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies for a long time, and more people than ever before will flop over for just one test, so don't be shy.
If you are coming for one test ONLY, no travel is included.
We'll get you from & to the airport for a week of fun & larks, but that's it.

My Partner Won't Do Cricket
If your partner or friend wants to tour but doesn't want to go to the cricket, we have two options.
1 - Book a double/twin room for two persons and we will refund A$1300 match ticket & apparel component per test and A$900 for St Kitts T20's, and you keep airport transfers, breakfast, and functions
2 - Book a single room and we will let the hotel know that you will be sharing the room, but airport transfers and breakfast you must pay as you go

West Indies 2025 Match Tickets
Included in our hotel & match ticket packages are premium reserved seat tickets, which are shaded for much if not all of the day, and looking as straight down the wicket as available. These are allocated by Cricket West Indies and may not be in our 'preferred stand'.
Do understand that West Indies Match Tickets have one price for locals and a much higher price for tourists, and tour operators. This has always been.
When booking our hotel tours, you can upgrade for the entire Test Match to:
- Club Hospitality for an additional A$2000pp, which includes:
- Continuous premium beverage service
- Gourmet selection of artisanal bites carefully curated to offer a diverse and indulgent dining experience, providing guests with a memorable and satisfying culinary adventure
- Indoor/outdoor lounge and cocktail seating
- Large viewing screens
- Hospitality Text Courtesy Of Cricket West Indies
Tickets will be distributed via Whatsapp, so please install it on your phone if you haven't already. If we receive physical tickets, these will be distributed at the pre-test function ONLY.
Test match tickets are sold as 5-day tickets, which are included in your package. There will be no refunds of any unused portion of the ticket no matter what the reason.
T20 match tickets are sold as single match tickets, which are included in your package. There will be no refunds of any unused portion of each ticket no matter what the reason.

West Indies 2025 Match Tickets Package
Per Test PP: A$2400
As with all Australian Cricket Tours, we do not sell Match Tickets ONLY.
If you're booking your own hotel & travel yet want confirmed match tickets, book our simple Match Ticket Package. By nature of West Indies selling match tickets at much higher prices to tourists, is why we cannot come close to match ticket package pricing in India 2023 (A$450) and Sri Lanka 2025 (A$640).
Test Match Ticket Package:
- Pre-Test Match Party
- 5-Day Match Tickets To Each Booked Test
- Post-Test Match Party
- Very-Cool Apparel^
- Club Hospitality for an additional A$2000pp for the entire test
T20 Match Tickets Package Jamaica:
- We are not attending the T20's in Jamaica and will offer match tickets only
- A$700 for both T20's with premium reserved seat
- A$1200 for both T20's with full hospitality
T20 Match Tickets Package St Kitts:
- Welcome Party July 24
- Match Tickets to 3 T20's
- Farewell Tour Party July 27
Club Hospitality is additional A$750pp for three T20's
- ^You will receive one apparel pack regardless of how many matches you attend
We are not responsible for you needing to travel vast distances and at great cost to reach the parties, hosted at OUR hotels.
Match tickets should be distributed via Whatsapp, so please install it on your phone if you haven't already. If we receive physical tickets, these will be distributed at the pre-test function ONLY.
If you are travelling from Barbados to Grenada to Jamaica, you can book a seat on our group flights here:
Get to the pre-match party, grab your fashions, have a rollicking time, and we'll see you at the game.
Please: If you're not booking any tour, do not ask where or how to buy match tickets. If you want tickets, book here.

Party Stands In The West Indies 2025
West Indian venues are renowned for their party stands; one ticket, all you can drink, food included, swimming pools, music, dancers, & atmosphere unrivalled in world cricket. #Epic
They have been missing for a time, but we are thrilled to say, THEY ARE BACK!
However, we are waiting on confirmation as to whether these are 'ALL INCLUSIVE' of food and drinks as they once were. The nominal price difference between reserved seats and the party stands (A$250 per test match) suggests they don't include 'open bar'.
We will update the site once we know.

Match Day Transfers In The West Indies 2025
Return match day transfers are included for all matches we attend!

Airport And Hotel Transfers In The West Indies 2025
Do not plan to arrive 'the night before'. Not even the day before. One flight cancellation or missed connection and you miss the start of the series you've waited 10 years to see! Arrive, Relax, and Refresh! Your Tour includes 3 nights BEFORE each Test Match.
Whether you enjoy one test or the whole tour, we will meet and transfer you, as included in your hotel tour, on these dates ONLY:
- St Maarten June 16, 17
- Barbados June 21, 22, 23
- Grenada June 30, and July 1
- Jamaica July 9, 10
- Antigua July 17
- St Kitts July 22, 23
These are shared transfers, so you may need to wait for others off your flight. If you do not wish to wait, you can jump in a taxi at your expense and there will be no refund for the unused transfer.
Even though your tour includes 3 nights before each Test, should you still choose to arrive the day/night before each test match, you must make your own way from the airport at your expense, and there will be no refund for the unused transfer.
If you choose to arrive before any of the dates above, you must make your own way from the airport at your expense, and there will be no refund for the unsued transfer.
If you book our match tickets package, no transfers are included, even if you are staying at our hotel, and arrive with fellow guests.
We offer return airport transfers on these days ONLY:
- Barbados June 30
- Grenada July 8, 9
- Jamaica July 17
- Antigua July 22
- St Kitts July 29

Hotels In The West Indies 2025
When booking our hotel tours, we will stay in these properties:
- St Maarten | Sonesta Maho Beach Resort
- Barbados | Accra Beach Hotel & Spa
- Grenada | Radisson Grenada Beach Resort
- Jamaica | ROK Hotel Kingston by Hilton
- Antigua | Hawksbill Resort
- St Kitts | Royal St Kitts Hotel
We visited these hotels during our pre-tour tour last May - July 2024, and have booked each understanding the services and conveniences they provide. We however reserve the right to change hotels if required. We will contact you should this occur.
Extra nights will be available before and after our included nights, but your included nights cannot be moved forward or back to accommodate your flights. You are booked and paid for the nights stated, whether used or not.
If booking our match tickets package, there is no shortage of homestays, private villas, boutique plantation homes, grand hotels, all-inclusive resorts and countless AirBnB's, to stay. We recommend staying close to our hotels for convenience to our functions.

Day Trips In West Indies 2025
Though many come to the islands for weeks of sand-lubbing, all of these tiny rocks have heaps of reasons to drag yourself off the beach.
5-days of cricket may stop you from doing most things but with a couple of days before each test scheduled as 'play days', we'll suggest many things from a wealth of varied options across each island, but click on each islands official tourism webpage for ideas.
If you are combining Barbados and Grenada and Jamaica we include a day-trip on July 8 in Grenada. If you leave us after Grenada or are joining us in Jamaica, no day trips are included.

Booking The West Indies 2025
You may have a million questions about the tour, you may have one. We want you to be comfy in choosing to tour with us so will happily answer any queries before you book.
If you are cool with our 'plans', then book NOW.

Australian Cricket Tour To The West Indies 2025
Having island-hopped all Caribbean cricket nations plus St Maarten, Tobago, Saba, Nevis, and Anguilla, we have a cracking good idea of how to create the best possible tour for you from an often awfully bad schedule!!
Rum punch time!
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