Nepotists Cricket Club

**Our 2022 training sessions at Lord's Cricket Ground are on the Tuesday evenings of March 15, 22, 29, & April 5 at 8pm-9pm. All whites & playing kit is supplied though you need your own sneakers. NO SPIKES! Please email your intent to join us at one, some or all of these warm-up sessions to experience Nepotist joviality before the season's first ball.**

Nepotists Cricket Club was formed in 1980; its origins at Oxford University still guiding the ethos of the club today. London based, the one team Nepos play challenging games on beautiful grounds in and around the capital however we now & again play in the Chilterns, Hampshire, and Kent.
A medium strength 'wandering' side, we play 40 over friendlies on Sunday afternoons. Besides our 'Legends' (those that formed the club, and long-serving Nepo's) we have a long tradition of fielding plenty of Antipodeans though all nationals are welcome! We are a stress free club with a 40 year history of which you are welcome to be a part.
We are a fun team with an array of quirky antics (such as wearing a pink wig after dropping a catch!) designed to amuse before distract our opposition. At the same time we play solid competitive cricket, and normally win more than we lose. We never sledge the opposition (we're there to have fun!), only ourselves - and we do it very well!
It matters not what your experience as we only have one team, so your 'ordinary' ability may be one of the best 11 we can field. Importantly, you're welcome to play just one game if that's all you can, perhaps a few games, or the whole season if you are available. An availability email is sent each Monday with your 'availability' reply required by Wednesday. Over-subscription means we select on playing history with any available Legend guaranteed selection.
You won't need anything but your sense of humour as ALL playing kit is provided along with Nepotists branded whites, sweaters, and our much desired and admired 'Lime Green & Magenta' caps. If you intend playing much of the season, you can buy Nepotists' whites (£45) and cap (£25) to save searching for the 'perfect whites'.
A season highlight is our annual game at Windsor Castle against Royal Household Cricket Club where HRH QEII occasionally comes to spectate though most recently Her Majesty only went as far as the bowling green behind the hedge at 3rd Man. A popular fixture, many Nepo's make a showing just to enjoy the scenery and picnic on the lawn.
This excellent Saturday precedes our Oxford Tour in August for the Steve Werren Invitational Golf Tournament on Friday, followed by the ISIS Trophy (4-team competition) on Saturday & Sunday. This weekend of frivolity involves golf, cricket, a BBQ, a stray golf-ball, and lots of fun. You're welcome to play just one game, just the golf, play the entire weekend, or just spectate.
The Nepotists' season runs from mid-April to the last Sunday of September. It costs a huge £10 per game on a pay-per-play basis, though Oxford is £25/match. The £110 we collect each week pays for tea provided by our hosts with the balance paid to the club to buy match balls, training sessions at Lord's Cricket Ground, and playing kit such as our beautiful bats.
You will not find a more affordable way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon's cricket in London.
Yours in Nepotism,
Captain Lukey Sparrow
- Click Here To Become A Nepo
- Be Social: Instagram / Facebook / Twitter
**Having played for Nepotists Cricket Club since 1999, we support 'The Nepos' with playing kit collected from the Australian Cricket Team after each Cricket Tour. Shane Watson was our first 'go to man' to collect excess playing kit such as pads & gloves, now Nathan Lyon and David Warner help the Nepo's play each week by providing kit that our proud little club doesn't have to buy! The Australian Cricket Team's generosity means you only need £10 to 'Be A Nepo' when you are in London.**